As a trusted service provider, ICS Facility Services is not only interested in delivering service excellence across our five areas of capability to our clients, but also in offering the best advice possible in helping our clients take their real estate assets to the next level.
We take initiative. We lead by example and look for opportunities for improvement, enhancement and overall efficiencies and effectiveness – be it in cost, sustainability or risk mitigation. Your business is our business and we strive to create an experience that enables you to achieve recognition in building operations – from community involvement, energy conservation and security standards to environmental, regulatory and sustainability compliance.
PM Expo is coming and we couldn’t be more excited. We’re hosting a learning seminar and lined up a stellar panel of industry experts to talk us through what it takes to achieve award-winning excellence in the built environment. While we would have liked to have included more key contacts, we maxed out our panel with five representatives from across the industry, who collectively manage a quarter of a billion square feet of real estate valued at a quarter of a trillion dollars.
How do they do it? How do they manage and maintain a level of excellence within their respective real estate portfolios?
Join us at 2:30 PM on Wednesday, December 4th at PM Expo to learn about our panel’s habits, innovations, insights and experiences. Come hear about excellence and best practices for the built environment.
Facilitated by ICS Chief Commercial Officer Neil Lathangue.
Neil is a recipient of a BOMA International TOBY Award for the best-in-class managed office building in the world, CEO/COO Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies and a Certified Coach Practitioner.
Sensor technology is now hitting a price point where business cases can be justified. Leak detection, washroom supplies, HVAC all have business cases that involve reasonable payback and vastly improve the customer experience.
The key is to conduct periodic table top simulations. This ensures that the team is constantly challenged and prepared in the event of an emergency condition.
A communication plan and feedback loop are vital. Open channels, managing all stakeholder communication and providing opportunities for positive touch points strengthens relationships and gives insights to continually advance real estate services.
In order to deliver exceptional customer service, all stakeholders involved in the service delivery process must be engaged early and align on the business goals and customer expectations.
When all parties are advancing in the same direction, sharing the same consistent story, an asset can really make a transformational impact, both for ownership and for our tenants.
While there is no universal template, ICS works hard and smart every day to deliver the right results you seek in meeting your business objectives. Industry recognition builds credibility for your business, the buildings you manage and the services we deliver. When you win, we win. As your trusted partner and service provider, we share in your joy and success.
For further information on how ICS can help your team achieve their goals of building and service excellence, please contact:
Meline Beach, Chief Communications Officer
ICS Facility Services
d: +1.416.953.5289