As social isolation restrictions begin to lift and we prepare to return to our work environments (outside the home), the safety and health of our clients, employees and all stakeholders remain top of mind.
As a trusted facility services partner, we have initiated certain safety protocols and implemented new forms of two-way communications in order to maintain the healthiest and safest work environment. While we hope the worst of this pandemic is behind us, many employees are concerned about a second wave and are anxious about returning to their workplace. Our objective is to provide peace of mind while we work through these uncertain times.
Below are our top ten tips and services we provide to encourage a safe return to the workplace.
Cleaning & Disinfection Services
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfection services by trained professionals and frequent schedules for high touch areas in public spaces, including washrooms (faucets, toilet flush handles, door handles, disposal containers, light switches), kitchens (appliances, cupboards, countertops, touchscreens, drawer handles, light switches), fitness rooms, workstations and equipment, elevators, and hand railings, lockers and computer screens and keyboards — using an effective, DIN certified Health Canada and EPA approved product against the COVID-19 virus. Eliminate dry sweeping/mopping methods that might release particles in the air and use vacuums equipped with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters where possible.
- Frequent replenishment of soap and alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Cleaning crews with appropriate PPE when conducting duties in the presence of others, while applying safe distancing measures.
- Closed-unit waste disposal bins for worn PPE and contaminated materials, handled in a safe and hygienic manner by trained cleaning professionals.
- Immediate disinfection for concerns or confirmed cases of contamination using an effective, DIN certified Health Canada and EPA approved product against the COVID-19 virus, applied via electrostatic spray by trained professionals. Isolate the areas from the rest of the building and other workers.
Two-Way Communications & Signage
- Single directional flow of traffic through common areas to encourage appropriate physical distancing with pedestrian traffic using floor decals and signage to serve as a reminder, and/or marshals as required.
- Illustrative and informative posters to communicate appropriate hand washing practices, appropriate removal and disposal of used PPE, and cleaning and disinfection schedules of public spaces.
- Printed colour-coded desk cards and door hangers to communicate directly with cleaners on the status of cleaning one’s workspace or office: please clean; please do not clean, this area has been cleaned and disinfected.
- Additional resources to check temperatures in a discreet manner and encourage use of hand sanitizers for all employees and guests upon arrival, as an added measure of protection for everyone’s health and safety. Anyone who is unwell or suspects they have come into contact with someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 should be prohibited from entering the building. Visit: for more information from the Government of Ontario’s self-assessment page.
- Mental health and wellness checks with random acts of kindness in the workplace. Be friendly and social in a safe manner. Show empathy. While we are in this together, our experiences are unique.
Appropriate signage, communication and effective cleaning and disinfection services are paramount as we prepare to return to the workplace. We offer extensive capability and enhanced service competencies. From regular maintenance to on-demand emergency support, our dedicated and knowledgeable team members are always ready to deliver superior and sudden service as needed for any built environment.
For more information about our disinfection protocol and safety measures, or to learn more about the ICS Building Protection Program, please email us at and a member of our communications team will respond right away. Alternatively, if you need rapid response disinfection services, please email:
ICS Facility Services | Innovative Solutions for the Built Environment